Thursday, March 11, 2010
Internship coming to an end...
House call
House Call
In a pretty small community where everyone knows everyone, I thought it would be OK to make a house call. As a side job I do a bit of house cleaning. And the guy I do this for needed some help with his computer. It’s an old computer, big heavy tower, as old as a dinosaur and as slow as a snail. It was simply not performing as some of the newer, faster computers of today. He and his wife also have laptops but he prefers to work on his old desktop PC. So he had gone out to a computer store and bought himself a new one, brought it home and tried working with it. He found it didn’t work so well for him because it was not compatible with the older programs he was using. You see, he’s working on his family genealogy, which goes way back to the 1600’s. This is important family history information you don’t want to lose. He brought back the new computer and hooked up his old one again and came to ask for help. He wanted me help him organize his folders and programs. He wasn’t sure what was wrong, but he knew his computers were a mess.
I went to his house thinking I could show him how to create folders, drag and drop files into them and he would be on his way. But when I took a look at how he had his folders sorted out on his laptop, it was perfect. They were very organized, so I didn’t understand why he thought it was a mess. But when I looked a few things that might make his computer slower, I saw that the virtual memory was getting a little low and his hard drive was getting really full. And I couldn’t seem to find out how he could have filled it up so fast with what seemed to be so little on his laptop. But as we looked even deeper and he showed me the program he was having trouble with, we noticed that there were duplicates of certain files. So we figure that was the problem that was confusing him. Duplicate files in different or the same folders.
On his old PC though, it pretty much was a mess. There was maybe 500mb of free hard drive space, virtual memory was running really low and there were tons of old programs and software he never used anymore or didn’t even know he had or what they were for. So we started clearing out old programs like that, and updating his antivirus program. This took the better part of the afternoon. As for homework, I asked if he could work on organizing his files on the old computer, just like he did with the new one. Create folders, drag and drop the files, and delete duplicates.
I also recommended that he get himself an external hard drive to keep all of his family photos, scanned funeral cards and genealogy history as a backup.
He seemed a little overwhelmed, but very happy to know that he doesn’t have to lose everything and start over and that with a little maintenance, everything will be just fine.
Mother and son success
A lady and her son came into the cap site one day, brought their laptop and a USB stick. They came pretty well prepared wanting to print out the son’s resume. He had made his resume and I took a look at it to make sure he had all the needed information. After fixing a couple of little technical mistakes he made in Word, I asked him if he was going to attach a cover letter along with his resume. He hadn’t thought of it and didn’t know how to go about making one. I was really busy with other people at that moment, so I just printed out the pages that show how to make a cover letter and asked if he would read it and try to make one and then to come back if he needed more help. They were very thankful and excited that they received help so quickly.
A few days or about a week later the son comes in again and asks to print out a few more resumes and cover letters this time too. He had done a good job of making the letter on his own.
His mother came back to me too asking for help emailing an order for Norwex products. She’s a consultant and independent sales person for these products, I had also just had an in home product party with her. She had been having difficulties placing the orders through the website and her email. So we went through it together here at the CAP site and sent it via email. The problem she was having was with Microsoft Excel when filling out the order sheets. She kept missing that there were different pages within the file and I showed her how she could see them and where to click. It was a success. The products came in about a week later!
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
February 3rd, 2010
There have been more and more people coming in to use the CAP site in the past couple of weeks. I think the word is finally starting to spread that we are here to help and offer great services. Some people are finally taking advantage of that. Like this elderly lady I'm helping, who's learning about emailing and sending pictures via email and web surfing and that kind of stuff. She keeps telling me: If someone can teach you something, learn it. You never know when you might use it.
It's amazing that at over 80 years old, we can still learn about things we could never imagine as a child. Technology is evolving all around us and at every level. It's impossible to keep up with everything, but to keep the mind young, keep learning about anything that interests you.
Over 80 and still learning!
The elderly lady of over 80 years old, showed up as she said she would, with her binder full of papers to take notes, and she had her list ready too. She used to be a teacher and now the positions were switched, she would be the student, and I would be the teacher. I vaguely knew the lady from when I was younger. I would go around with my mom, delivering milk, from our dairy farm and this lady was one of the customers.
We stared with the basics of email: how to check email, how to reply, forward and create new email, etc. After sending out a few test emails that she felt comfortable with, we moved on to something different. I showed her how to upload pictures from her digital camera to her computer and then to select the few that she wanted to have developed and put them on a USB stick.
We’re meeting up about once a week to continue to improve her computer skills. She now has more confidence to use her computer to keep in touch with family, friends and current events. When we started, she had not used her laptop for 3 month and had only just looked at it a few times. She still calls me or emails me with questions, but now that she’s more oriented with her laptop, we can usually work it out through the phone.
Thursday, January 14, 2010
January 14th, 2010
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Jan 11th & 12th
Yesterday I also had another retired man's laptop (for a couple days already) that he wanted Windows 7 installed on. So I went about updating and doing a back up first, JUST IN CASE... after a bit of arguing with the thing it finally installed Win 7. Everything seemed to be up and running... until he calls me the same evening saying, it doesn't read Cd's and there's now sign of the E: drive. GREAT! so I brought back the computer and some Cd's and manuals, which were no help at all... I had looked up the problem on discussion forums but couldn't seem to fix it on my own... so I had to call for back up. I handed the laptop over to my husband and within 1 hour he had it fixed. I'm so gratefully to have him :) "Thanks Hun!"
Today was a bit of everything day, I started by updating the Bellevue website with the latest Newsletter. Cleaning up the messy desktop I had... making sure the other computers in the office are also updating...did some cleaning and decorating for Valentines. I also took some pictures and emailed them for the cook at the Restaurant (we need to get some appliances fixed and the mechanic wanted to see exactly what kind it was before coming).
I helped the Services Canada lady get installed and punched in my code so she can use the photocopier.
yeah it was a bit of this and a bit of that all day.
Now I'm going to go help patch up the town outdoor Skating rink along with my Uncle.
Talk to you guys later.
Friday, January 8, 2010
January 8th,2010
I had 2 people bring my their laptops for help today... still working on one now. One lady wanted help to sort out her emails and files and the other guy wants help installing Window's 7 (he hasn't done any Windows Updates on his computer for a long time so that has to be done first.
Someone also wants me to go to his house to help him for about 30 minutes or so... since he can't haul his big computer here, I agreed to go to his house next week (he lives just 2 houses down from where I live).
We also took down all the Christmas decorations. I didn't think we'd get it all done in one afternoon, but with 3-4 people helping it goes WAY faster then on your own. After putting all that away it was time to quickly clean and reset the gathering room.
All in all it was a great day.
This evening I'm going to my Uncle's birthday party for some of Aunty's DELICIOUS chocolate cake and maybe play a few games of cards.
Have a good weekend!
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
January 5th, 2010
So I did what I could for the newsletter and I'm still helping them finish it up tomorrow in between my other job.
I had also had one lady come and book an appointment for friday to help her with her computer.
Looking forward to that.
Have a good evening!
(hope they win tonight)
Monday, January 4, 2010
January 4th, 2010
I hope everyone had very enjoyable holidays. My holidays were jam packed full of fun activities with friends from far away and close family. Tiring but enjoyable and satisfying.
Today was a bit of a long day staring at a computer screen after a couple of weeks of other visual stimulation. The Christmas days and traveling took a nasty bite out of my wallet, so I'm happy to be back at work.
I'm glad I had prepared part of the January local newsletter before the holidays, but it's still a long process to bring it to print. Hopefully we have all the information needed to 'get er done' tomorrow morning. And then comes the task of removing all of the pretty Christmas decor and neatly storing it away for the coming Christmas season.
Mother nature has thus far been good too us, no crazy blizzards or other distructive storms. The coming days should be steady winter weather.
Hope everyone stays cozy and happy.