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Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Getting into the Christmas Spirit

Getting into the Christmas Spirit has been a little tough this year,
there was no snow, it didn't feel like winter and I was just too busy with my 3 jobs. But then sometimes you just have to get things done, like decorating, baking, shopping and stuff like that.

So I started with the decorating last week here at our CAP site.
The room behind me is a fair size room where there are banquets, gatherings, art displays and more social activities.

The manager asked if I could take care of the decorations. Well I just jumped at the opportunity. I love decorating and making things look nice and it's a great way to get into the holiday spirit.

Wednesday evening until Friday afternoon, I was all into the X-Mas Decor. I started by pulling out all the boxes I could find that had Christmas in or on it. I wanted to see what I all had to work with, so I could make a plan of what could be used and where. I found lots of that green life-like garland with lights in them only to find out that almost 1/2 the lights didn't work. But never fail, I found some extra bulbs and went courageously on to try to fix them. Towards the end of the 3rd long L-O-N-G piece of garland, I was starting to get frustrated and fed up of switching little tiny bulbs. I must say, it didn't go so bad but if someone saw me working on those lights, they would've thought I was a little loopy. But hey, I had the Christmas carols going on the stereo, had my Santa hat on and it was all good. Friday afternoon I cleaned up the decorations that weren't used and set up some table and chairs for a Christmas supper party that a group of 20 had reserved.

It turned out beautiful, I felt so proud and the feedback was very positive. I felt like I had done my part to bring some Christmas Cheer to this place and to the people who visited the Center.

And the Holiday Spirit continues to spread
with a smile & warm greetings from the heart.

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