Sad to say that today will be my last day at work, but I have the most awesome reason for leaving. I'm going on maternity leave! YAY! My baby is due on January 12th. If she's born anytime next week, we will be thrilled! We know it's going to be a girl, and we do have names picked out. We have pretty much everything we need, and we're as ready as new parents can be.
I just wanted to let everyone know that I had a great time as a CAP youth intern. I started in the the fall of 2009 and even worked through part the summer last year doing some of the same kind of work. It was very interesting and fun. I had some great success stories along the way. People really do appreciate the services we provide and the work that we do. I hope that the following interns are as open to learning and have as much fun as I did.